
Graphic of two doors next to each other that say "progress" and "status quo"
By prosidea 31st Mar, 2021
“If you don’t love it, you’re going to fail.” - Steve Jobs How do we break the mold and challenge the status quo ...
Notebook with "CROWDFUNDING" written on it
By prosidea 31st Mar, 2021
Did you know that you can scale up your business before you even manufacture your product? Why start from zero when you can do a pre-sell? These are the 5 W’s of ...
Woman holding up a sign that says, "what's your purpose?"
By prosidea 31st Mar, 2021
The purpose-driven entrepreneur is someone who cares about more than just making money in the short term. Doing something you believe in and making an impact on the world can make your purpose ...
Man in a suit crossing a finish line with his hands in the air
By prosidea 31st Mar, 2021
You had a great idea, but you saw it hit the market while you were still in preparation. Now you feel like your entrepreneurial journey has ended before it even begins. Read on and fi...
Woman standing in front of her team with her arms up
By prosidea 31st Mar, 2021
It takes an extraordinary person to be an entrepreneur because they wake up in the middle of the night repeatedly.  These visionary individuals are unable to get that new idea out of their head. Only 50% of startups survive ...